關於Deichmann之主張,「包含虛線的標誌未說明為位置商標或非以虛線聲明不專用,應推論虛線屬於標誌之一部分」,歐洲法院指出,申請人確實可自行增添說明,以指定尋求保護的範圍。儘管使用虛線作為保護範圍說明或聲明不專用,但此類作法並非相關屬時立法(legislation applicable ratione temporis)或判例法的要求,而且EUIPO商標審查基準要求以虛線作為位置商標之相關說明,在歐盟法律解釋上也不具拘束力。
Deichmann SE v. EUIPO – Munich SL, Case C‑223/18 P (2019), ECLI:EU:C:2019:471.
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1431 of 18 May 2017, Article 3(3)(d), “in the case of a trade mark consisting of the specific way in which the mark is placed or affixed on the product (position mark), the mark shall be represented by submitting a reproduction which appropriately identifies the position of the mark and its size or proportion with respect to the relevant goods. The elements which do not form part of the subject-matter of the registration shall be visually disclaimed preferably by broken or dotted lines. The representation may be accompanied by a description detailing how the sign is affixed on the goods.”