German Academia - Government - Private Enterprise collaboration model: an example of boosting Academic excellence in an entrepreneurial world.
作者╱北美智權法規研究組 古夏平 Charl Goussard
中文翻譯/北美智權 李儀 Bravo Li
Taiwan, like many other knowledge-based economies, is often faced with the unfortunate inconsistency between its world class academic research result, on the one hand, and the inability to commercialize such research results, on the other hand.
In an attempt to find a possible "cure" to this inconsistency, writer explored one of the many programs Germany has employed to address their problem. Probably the most successful initiative utilized by the German Federal Government to foster the collaboration between Academia, Business, and Policy is known as EXIST.
During the late 90’s, the German Federal Government acknowledged that the lack of exploiting its world class research was due to an insufficient entrepreneurial culture in German Universities and research institutes.
In addressing this problem, the EXIST initiative was launched and subsidized by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and it is currently administered by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.
In this article, writer gives a brief overview of the various phases of EXiST.
The various regional programs under EXIST, will be described in more detail in a follow-up article.
The first phase of EXIST:
To foster a more thriving collaboration between German academia and business, the German Federal Ministry of Education launched a competition of ideas in 1997. It required a cooperation of at least 3 different partners from a region, including at least one partner from a higher education institute, one from business, and one from policy.
Initially, more than 100 applications were submitted, but these were narrowed down to 12 regional finalist. The finalists were invited to present complete business plans showing how they planned to reach their goals. Participants were specifically asked to submit letters of commitment from business, research and policy to support the regional programme financially or in kind. The 12 regions each received approximately €100,000 to prepare their final presentation.
Then, in 1998, five winning partnerships were chosen from the 12 finalists. What was significant at that stage is that the diversity of the regions were clearly reflected in the diversity of concepts for action, starting conditions and varied emphasis submitted by each region. Each region differed from the others in structure and organization. The five winning regions received € 21.5 mil (together in total) from the Federal Government between 1998 and 2001 to fulfill their commitments.
While each regional programme had its own structure and organisation, the EXIST programme provided some interdisciplinary support to all 5 regions.
First, the regional programs received scientific support research from the esteemed Fraunhofer-Intitut for Systemtechnick und Innovationsforchung (ISI). Furthermore, EXIST NEWS was published quarterly, sharing ideas from developments in the various regions.
In addition, in 2000, the EXIST SEED FUND was started.
The purpose of this programme was to offer financial support for students, graduates (who graduated less than 5 years prior to applying for funding), and young research assistants, to develop their business ideas and to prepare for the setting up of their own companies. EXIST SEED was advised by the EXIST Advisory Board, who consisted of experts from the academic world, industry, and finance. EXIST SEED required that
Applicants had to be guided by a mentor at one of the universities and that they should have free access to resources at an institute of higher education. Furthermore EXIST SEED required applicants to "sell" their ideas after six months of development – this "sale" was basically a feedback on their ideas and suitability as entrepreneurs.
EXIST SEED FUND provided reduced risk for entrepreneurs. By offering financial support for one year, development of the individual’s entrepreneurial skills, and competent EXIST network support for the development of a business idea into a business plan, many aspiring entrepreneurs were motivated.
EXIST SEED was initially only available at the 5 winning regions, but since 2005, the programme is available at all German Universities.
In addition to the EXIST SEED programme, EXIST also offers EXIST HighTEPP.
EXIST HighTEPP is a post graduate programme which is oriented at educating entrepreneurs for start-up businesses. The aim of this programme is to provide start-up oriented training at higher education institutions. EXIST High TEPP works closely with respected partners such as VC companies, start-up firms, management consultants and established technology firms to provide interdisciplinary management skills.
Five Regional programs:
The five initial regional programs were:
Dresden exists
Below is a summary of these regional programs. Writer will explore each of these programs in a follow-up article to this one. Note that the summary is bases on information for 2004:
Dresden exists
Definition of Region
High density industrial; Rural surroundings
Centered on City of Dresden
4 locations of higher education;
Not spatially connected
Large area, including Karlsruhe technology region, city of Pforzheim and Enz
Large area, including city of Stuttgard as economic and administrative center, high density industrial area
University & Research Institution
3 universities (univ.)
1 technical univ.,
1 univ. of applied science,
Large number of non-univ. research institutes
2 univ.;
2 univ of applied sciences;
numerous non-univ. research institutes
1 univ.;
2 univ. of applied sciences;
One teacher training univ.; numerous nn-univ. research institutes
2 univ.;
Numerous univ. of applied sciences;
1 teacher training univ.;
Numerous non-univ research institutes
Population; Number of students
1.7 mil inhabitants;
17 500 students
1.07 mil inhabitants;
31 400 students
461 000 inhabitants;
27 000 students
1.3 mil inhabitants;
28 000 students
2.5 mil inhabitants;
36 000 students
Type of Network
Polycentric Network;
Overall project coordinated by Transfer Office – Wuppertal Univ.; Clearly demarcated work areas and responsibilities for representatives.
University centered network;
Incorporated non-univ. research centers, international corporations, partners from financial sector.
Large number of partners involved in varying degrees;
Dominated by a few higher education institutions
Network centered on several higher education institutes and research institutes; KEIM e.V. is co-ordinating agency.
Large number of partners involved in varying degrees;
Dominated by a few higher education institutions
Number of permanent Network partners
100(25 key players)
5 (8 academic assistants)
3 in information and project office , others in KEIM centres
6 at PUSH! – others at projects
The second phase of EXIST:
Since 2002, an additional 10 regions were chosen to join the EXIST programme. These 10 new regions received considerably less funding from the Federal Government (€ 10 mil), but they’ve had the fortune of being coached by the model 5 original EXIST participants. Best practice records are shared between all the participants of EXIST. Currently, there are now almost 20 EXIST partnerships.
The third phase of EXIST:
Since the infrastructure and entrepreneurial culture has been established in the participating regions, the current aim of EXIST is to focus on a stronger project nature. Particular programs, which aim at developing entrepreneurship at universities as well as research institutions, are chosen for financial support.
Nearing the end of the EXIST programme, it can be said that the initial objectives of the Federal Government has, to a large extent, been met.
The EXIST programme has succeeded in creating a sustainable culture of entrepreneurship in education, research and administration in Germany’s Universities.
Furthermore, EXIST has helped to thoroughly utilize the commercial possibilities of academic research. Also, EXIST has helped to nurture the enormous potential of business ideas generated by universities and research institutes. Finally, EXIST has contributed to an escalating number of knowledge based start-ups, as a result securing and generating new sustainable jobs.