在調閱卡梅隆女士醫療紀錄後,研究人員發現:「卡梅隆女士曾有多次燒燙和割傷的紀錄,但往往在聞到燒焦味後才注意到傷口,這些傷口能在短期內恢復且不留下任何疤痕。」因此,醫師將此案例轉介給倫敦大學學院(University College London)與牛津大學(University of Oxford)的疼痛基因學家(pain geneticists),了解此特殊生理狀況是否由基因突變所造成。
Habib, A. M., Okorokov, A. L., Hill, M. N., Bras, J. T., Lee, M., Li, S., . . . Cox, J. J. (2019). Microdeletion in a FAAH pseudogene identified in a patient with high anandamide concentrations and pain insensitivity. British Journal of Anaesthesia. doi:10.1016/j.bja.2019.02.019
Alex Matthews-King Health Correspondent. (2019, March 28). Woman with ‘mutant’ gene who feels no pain and heals without scarring discovered by scientists. Independent