在捷克,負責專利、商標等智慧財產權之官方機構為捷克工業產權局(Industrial Property Office of the Czech republic,IPO CZ),是一個有百年歷史的機構,可追溯至1919年專利局成立之時,IPO CZ即扮演專利商標局的角色。時至今日,IPO CZ服務範圍涵蓋對技術創造性工作的成果保護(專利和實用新型)、設計保護(工業設計)、商標權(商標、地理標誌和原產地名稱)、以及積體電路布局。
所有滿足第 207/2000 Coll. 法案中關於外觀設計保護規定條件的工業品外觀設計都可以受到保護,基本條件是設計的新穎性和獨特性(newness and individual nature)。同一外觀設計在申請日或優先權日之前未向公眾公開的,即具有新穎性。如果設計差異不大,則應被視為相同 (the same)。如果一項外觀設計給知情用戶的總體印象不同於它在申請日之前提供的外觀設計的總體印象,則該外觀設計應被視為具獨特性。
此外,註冊外觀設計的申請人可以參考2018年5月公告的《Convergence on graphic representations of designs - Common Communication》[2], [3]。此份通則由European Trade Mark and Design Network,Europeantmdn公告,通則定義了免責聲明的使用(保護範圍的限制)、視圖類型、以及如何在中性背景下展示設計。此外,通則還介紹了相關單位對透過電子方式提交及以紙本形式提交的外觀設計申請所使用的標準。
除了捷克(CZ)外, 沿用此通則 (common practice)的IPO還包括BG, BX, CY, DE, DK, EE, ES, FR, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LV, NO, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, TR, UK 及EUIPO。
Application class count: The number of classes specified in a trademark application. In the international trademark system and at certain national and regional offices, an applicant can file a trademark application that specifies one or more of the 45 goods and services classes of the Nice Classification. Offices use a single- or multi-class filing system. To capture the differences in application numbers across offices, it is useful to compare their respective application and registration class counts.
Application design count: The number of designs contained in an industrial design application. Under the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs, it is possible for an applicant to obtain protection for up to 100 industrial designs for products belonging to one and the same class by filing a single application. Some national or regional IP offices allow applications to contain more than one design for the same product or within the same class, while others allow only one design per application. In order to capture the differences in application numbers across offices, it is useful to compare their respective application and registration design counts.