韓國雖然未以專利法(Korean Patent Act,KPA)明文規定醫療方法為法定不予發明專利之標的,卻仍透過審查基準與案例對KPA相關法條的解釋,確立不授予對「人體」診斷、治療與預防疾病等醫療方法發明專利之政策目的[4]。例如韓國專利審查基準(Guidelines for Examination)依法院判例認定,施於人體的醫療方法發明因關涉人民健康福祉且不具產業利用性(industrial applicability),故未符合KPA第29條第1項規定之專利要件[5];此外,前述醫療方法有傷害公眾健康福祉之虞(likely to harm public health)者,韓國專利審查基準依KPA第32條不予發明專利[6]。最後,在專利實施的層面上,依KPA第96條第2項,即使發明人取得專利,藥品(指用於對人類疾病為診斷、治療、減輕、醫學處制或預防之產品)之製造係混合兩種以上藥品者,或以混合兩種以上藥品製造藥品之方法,其發明之專利權效力,不及於依韓國藥事法(Pharmaceutical Affairs Act)製造藥品之行為,或依該等行為所製造之藥品[7]。
Seokhwan Bae & Martin Dongsoon Choi, Update on Patent Examination Guidelines Pertaining to Innovative Technology in the Biohealth Field in Korea, May 15, 2019, http://en.youme.com/sub_news/ipboardopen.aspx?idx=955(last visit May 20, 2019).
2014年6月修訂版韓國專利法第29條1項。(“(1) An invention having industrial applicability, other than the following, is patentable: ”)
2014年6月修訂版韓國專利法第32條。(“Notwithstanding Article 29 (1), no invention that violates public order or sound morals or is likely to harm public health is patentable.”)
2014年6月修訂版韓國專利法第96條2項。(“(2) The effects of a patent on the invention of a medicine manufactured by mixing at least two medicines (referring to products used for the diagnosis, relief, treatment, therapy, or prevention of human diseases; hereinafter the same shall apply) or on the invention of a process for manufacturing medicines by mixing at least two medicines shall not extend to the preparation of prescriptions and medicines prepared according to such prescriptions under the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act. ”)
Young Kim and In-Hwan Kim, Pharmaceutical IP and competition law in South Korea: overview, Law stated as at 01-Jul-2018, https://uk.practicallaw.thomsonreuters.com/Document/Ibcd37934bcee11e398db8b09b4f043e0/View/FullText.html?transitionType=SearchItem&contextData=(sc.Search) (last visit May 20, 2019).