為解決上述問題,歐盟理事會(THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION)與歐洲議會(THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT)於2012年12月發佈兩項規則:其一是在落實單一專利保護領域之加強合作,即發展「歐盟單一專利制度」(Unitary Patent)與UPC;其二是在落實在單一專利保護發展的申請翻譯文本安排之加強合作。[3]歐盟各國於2013年2月簽署統合專利法院協議(AGREEMENT ON A UNIFIED PATENT COURT;以下簡稱「UPC協議」),並開放給所有歐盟會員國加入,目前歐盟會員國除了西班牙、克羅埃西亞與波蘭外,都已簽署該協議。在協議生效條件上,須達到13個國家的批准或加入,且當中須包含法國、德國、英國,目前包含法國已有12個國家批准[4]。(編者按:截止2017年7月10日為止,簽署國家已達25個,請參考https://www.unified-patent-court.org/)
設置UPC最困難之處在於涉及各國主權的問題,因為在某種程度上,UPC要求各國將其一部份的司法權讓渡出來。為解決此一敏感問題,據「An Enhanced European Patent System」簡介指出,UPC之性質應該解釋為締約國共同使用之法院,與各國之國家法院性質相同。也因此UPC在審理的實體法源上,須受到歐盟法及歐盟法院 (Court of Justice of the European Union) 見解之拘束。在程序法方面,則以UPC協議為基礎,並制定「統合專利法院程序規則」(Preliminary set of provisions for the Rules of Procedure ("Rules”) of the Unified Patent Court;以下簡稱「UPC」程序規則)[9]。另外附帶一提,根據統合專利法院網站2016年11月刊登之報導,引述英國財政部商務大臣Baroness Neville-Rolfe DBE CMG與英國智慧財產局共同發表的新聞,指出英國在UPC協議之批准上閃綠燈[10],可以思考的是英國脫歐後如果批准UPC協議,將如何處理審理中實體法源的問題,在本文脈絡下,由於英國過去在法規上已有所統合,所以短期內法規較沒有需要跨越的門檻;但長期而言,英國與歐盟間關於脫歐談判在此議題處理上仍值得注意。
在UPC之費用規劃上,根據UPC協議第36條第3項[19]所規定,有「固定費用」與「以訴訟標的價值為基礎預先規劃的費用」(本文稱為「加計費用」)。加計費用為在固定費用上再往上加之費用,並限於與侵權、損害賠償有關之請求[20]。例如,一審就侵權訴訟、侵權抗辯、宣告未侵權事件、給予權利認證之補償訴訟 (Action for compensation for license of right),固定費用需要一萬一千歐元 (詳如表一)。
在UPC協議生效五年後,根據UPC協議第11條[23]所設立之UPC行政委員會 (The Administrative Committee) 需調查仍在國家法院提出侵權、撤銷訴訟或宣告無效訴訟的數量,並要諮詢使用此專利系統之人士,以了解其背後的原因,在諮詢民意及法院意見的基礎下,行政委員會可決定延長此過渡期間,但以七年為上限。
Christopher J.Harnett, Amanda F. Wieker, The EU Unitary Patent and UnifiedPatent Court: Simplicity and Standardization, Challenge, and Opportunity, Intellectual Property &Technology Law Journal (2013)
UPC agreement §15(“Eligibility criteria for the appointment of judges(1) The Court shall compriseboth legally qualified judges and technically qualified judges. Judges shallensure the highest standards of competence and shall have proven experience inthe field of patent litigation.(2) Legally qualified judges shall possess thequalifications required for appointment to judicial offices in a ContractingMember State.(3) Technically qualified judges shall have a university degreeand proven expertise in a field of technology. They shall also have provenknowledge of civil law and procedure relevant in patent litigation.”).
UPC agreement §16(“Appointment procedure(1) The Advisory Committee shall establish a list of themost suitable candidates to be appointed as judges of the Court, in accordancewith the Statute.(2) On the basis of that list, the Administrative Committeeshall appoint the judges of the Court acting by common accord.(3) Theimplementing provisions for the appointment of judges are set out in theStatute.”).
UPC agreement §19("Training framework(1) A training framework for judges, the details ofwhich are set out in the Statute, shall be set up in order to improve andincrease available patent litigation expertise and to ensure a broad geographicdistribution of such specific knowledge and experience. The facilities for thatframework shall be situated in Budapest.(2) The training framework shall inparticular focus on:(a) internships in national patent courts or divisions ofthe Court of First Instance hearing a substantial number of patent litigationcases;(b) improvement of linguistic skills;(c) technical aspects of patentlaw;(d) the dissemination of knowledge and experience in civil procedure fortechnically qualified judges;(e) the preparation of candidate-judges.(3) Thetraining framework shall provide for continuous training. Regular meetingsshall be organised between all judges of the Court in order to discussdevelopments in patent law and to ensure the consistency of the Court's caselaw.”).
ANNEX I: STATUTE OFUNIFIED PATENT COURT §4(1)( ” (1) Judges shall be appointed for a term of sixyears, beginning on the date laid down in the instrument of appointment. Theymay be re-appointed.”).
UPC agreement §73(“(1) An appeal against a decision of the Court of First Instance may be broughtbefore the Court of Appeal by any party which has been unsuccessful, in wholeor in part, in its submissions, within two months of the date of thenotification of the decision.” (2) An appeal against an order of the Court ofFirst Instance may be brought before the Court of Appeal by any party which hasbeen unsuccessful, in whole or in part, in its submissions: (a) for the ordersreferred to in Articles 49(5), 59 to 62 and 67 within 15 calendar days of thenotification of the order to the applicant ; (b)for other orders than theorders referred to in point (a):(i) together with the appeal against thedecision, or(ii) where the Court grants leave to appeal, within 15 days of thenotification of the Court's decision to that effect. (3) The appeal against adecision or an order of the Court of First Instance may be based on points oflaw and matters of fact.(4) New facts and new evidence may only be introducedin accordance with the Rules of Procedure and where the submission thereof bythe party concerned could not reasonably have been expected during proceedingsbefore the Court of First Instance.).
The Select CommitteeThe Preparatory Committee. “An Enhanced European Patent System.”(download fromPC homepage: https://www.unified-patent-court.org. ).
UPC agreement §60(3)( “(3) The Court may, even before the commencement of proceedings on the meritsof the case, at the request of the applicant who has presented evidence tosupport the claim that the patent has been infringed or is about to beinfringed, order the inspection of premises. Such inspection of premises shallbe conducted by a person appointed by the Court in accordance with the Rules ofProcedure.”).
Preliminary set of provisions for theRules of Procedure ("Rules”) of the Unified Patent Court§175Written witness statement ( “1. A party seeking to offer witness evidenceshall lodge a written witness statement or a written summary of the evidence tobe given. 2. A written witness statement shall be signed by the witness andshall include a statement of the witness that he is aware of his obligation totell the truth and of his liability under applicable national law in the eventof any breach of this obligation. The statement shall set out the language inwhich the witness shall give oral evidence, if necessary.3. The written witnessstatement or written summary of the evidence to be given shall set out: (a) anycurrent or past relationship between the witness and the party offering theevidence; and (b) any actual or potential conflict of interest that may affectthe impartiality of the witness.”).
UPC agreement §53(2)(“(2) The Rules of Procedure shall govern the procedure for taking suchevidence. Questioning of witnesses and experts shall be under the control ofthe Court and be limited to what is necessary.”).
UPC agreement §79(“The parties may, at any time in the course of proceedings, conclude their caseby way of settlement, which shall be confirmed by a decision of the Court. Apatent may not be revoked or limited by way of settlement.”).
UPC agreement §81(“(1) A request for rehearing after a final decision of the Court mayexceptionally be granted by the Court of Appeal in the followingcircumstances:(a) on discovery of a fact by the party requesting the rehearing,which is of such a nature as to be a decisive factor and which, when thedecision was given, was unknown to the party requesting the rehearing; suchrequest may only be granted on the basis of an act which was held, by a finaldecision of a national court, to constitute a criminal offence; or (b) in theevent of a fundamental procedural defect, in particular when a defendant whodid not appear before the Court was not served with the document initiating theproceedings or an equivalent document in sufficient time and in such a way asto enable him to arrange for the defence. (2) A request for a rehearing shallbe filed within 10 years of the date of the decision but not later than twomonths from the date of the discovery of the new fact or of the proceduraldefect. Such request shall not have suspensive effect unless the Court ofAppeal decides otherwise. (3) If the request for a rehearing is well-founded,the Court of Appeal shall set aside, in whole or in part, the decision underreview and re-open the proceedings for a new trial and decision, in accordancewith the Rules of Procedure. (4) Persons using patents which are thesubject-matter of a decision under review and who act in good faith should beallowed to continue using such patents.”).
UPC agreement §82(“(1) Decisions and orders of the Court shall be enforceable in any ContractingMember State. An order for the enforcement of a decision shall be appended tothe decision by the Court. (2) Where appropriate, the enforcement of a decisionmay be subject to the provision of security or an equivalent assurance toensure compensation for any damage suffered, in particular in the case ofinjunctions. (3) Without prejudice to this Agreement and the Statute,enforcement procedures shall be governed by the law of the Contracting MemberState where the enforcement takes place. Any decision of the Court shall beenforced under the same conditions as a decision given in the ContractingMember State where the enforcement takes place.”).
UPC agreement §36(3)(“(3) Court fees shall be fixed by theAdministrative Committee. They shall consist of a fixed fee, combined with avalue-based fee above a pre-defined ceiling. The Court fees shall be fixedat such a level as to ensure a right balance between the principle of fairaccess to justice, in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises,micro-entities, natural persons, non-profit organisations, universities andpublic research organisations and an adequate contribution of the parties forthe costs incurred by the Court, recognising the economic benefits to theparties involved, and the objective of a self-financing Court with balancedfinances. The level of the Court fees shall be reviewed periodically by theAdministrative Committee. Targeted support measures for small and medium-sizedenterprises and micro entities may be considered.”)
Preparatory Committeefor the Unified Patent Court. February 25th, 2016. “Rule on Courtfees and recoverable costs.”
UPC agreement §69(1)(“(1) Reasonable and proportionate legal costs and other expenses incurred bythe successful party shall, as a general rule, be borne by the unsuccessfulparty, unless equity requires otherwise, up to a ceiling set in accordance withthe Rules of Procedure.”).
UPC agreement §83(“(1) During a transitional period of seven years after the date of entry intoforce of this Agreement, an action for infringement or for revocation of aEuropean patent or an action for infringement or for declaration of invalidityof a supplementary protection certificate issued for a product protected by aEuropean patent may still be brought before national courts or other competentnational authorities. (2) An action pending before a national court at the endof the transitional period shall not be affected by the expiry of this period.(3) Unless an action has already been brought before the Court, a proprietor ofor an applicant for a European patent granted or applied for prior to the endof the transitional period under paragraph 1 and, where applicable, paragraph5, as well as a holder of a supplementary protection certificate issued for aproduct protected by a European patent, shall have the possibility to opt outfrom the exclusive competence of the Court. To this end they shall notify theiropt-out to the Registry by the latest one month before expiry of thetransitional period. The opt-out shall take effect upon its entry into theregister. (4) Unless an action has already been brought before a nationalcourt, proprietors of or applicants for European patents or holders ofsupplementary protection certificates issued for a product protected by aEuropean patent who made use of the opt-out in accordance with paragraph 3shall be entitled to withdraw their opt-out at any moment. In this event theyshall notify the Registry accordingly. The withdrawal of the opt-out shall takeeffect upon its entry into the register. (5) Five years after the entry intoforce of this Agreement, the Administrative Committee shall carry out a broadconsultation with the users of the patent system and a survey on the number ofEuropean patents and supplementary protection certificates issued for productsprotected by European patents with respect to which actions for infringement orfor revocation or declaration of invalidity are still brought before thenational courts pursuant to paragraph 1, the reasons for this and theimplications thereof. On the basis of this consultation and an opinion of theCourt, the Administrative Committee may decide to prolong the transitionalperiod by up to seven years.”).
UPC agreement §11(“An Administrative Committee, a Budget Committee and an Advisory Committeeshall be set up in order to ensure the effective implementation and operationof this Agreement. They shall in particular exercise the duties foreseen bythis Agreement and the Statute.”).