以下就讓我們以Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Sandoz Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2015).案件[1]來了解禁反言對於葉酸救援藥物專利的權利範圍所造成的影響。於文末一併附上我國專利師考試的相關情報。
圖片來源 : shutterstock、達志影像
被告為山德士 (Sandoz) 藥廠,因為向美國由食品藥物管理局 (FDA) 提出了Fusilev®的學名藥許可之簡易新藥上市程序 (ANDA),Spectrum藥廠於是向美國內華達州的地方法院 (the District of Nevada) 提出專利侵權訴訟,主張被訴侵權人侵害了系爭專利的申請專利範圍,然而,地方法院經過判決後認定有禁反言的問題,被訴侵權人不侵害系爭專利。Spectrum藥廠不服地方法院的判決,所以提出上訴。
本案系爭專利為美國專利第6,500,829號 ('829專利)[2],此專利的專利權人是斯特拉斯克萊德大學(University of Strathclyde),Spectrum藥廠則是專屬被授權人。系爭專利之申請專利範圍總共有14項,其中的第1項及第5項為獨立項,且與本案相關,列出如下:
1. A pharmaceutical composition for therapeutic use which consists essentially of a therapeutically effective amount sufficient for the treatment of human beings for methotrexate rescue or folate deficiency, of a pharmaceutically acceptable compound which is a (6S) diastereoisomer selected from the group consisting of (6S) leucovorin (5-formyl-(6S)-tetrahydrofolic acid) and pharmaceutically acceptable salts and esters of (6S) leucovorin; wherein the compound consists of a mixture of (6S) and (6R) diastereoisomers and consists of at least 92% by weight of the (6S) diastereoisomer, the balance of said compound consisting of the (6R) diastereoisomer; in combination with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
5. A pharmaceutical composition for therapeutic use for the treatment of human beings comprising: a pharmaceutically acceptable composition which is a (6S) diastereoisomer selected from the group consisting of (6S) leucovorin (5-formyl-(6S)-tetrahydrofolic acid) and pharmaceutically acceptable salts and esters of (6S) leucovorin, wherein the composition consists of a mixture of (6S) and (6R) diastereoisomers and consists of at least about 92% by weight of the (6S) diastereoisomer, the balance of said composition consisting of the (6R) diastereoisomer; and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier; and said composition being of a quantity at least sufficient to provide multiple doses of said mixture of (6S) and (6R) diastereoisomers in an amount of 2000 mg per dose.
leucovorin就是前述具有活性的葉酸,leucovorin是一種非鏡像異構物 (diastereoisomers) 的混合物,混合物中有6R與6S型態,而申請專利範圍中所使用的主要是6S型態的leucovorin,也就是原文中提及的”consists of at least about 92% by weight of the (6S) diastereoisomer”。leucovorin用於葉酸救援的相關產品為Fusilev®,在FDA核准上市。
'829專利於1995年4月18日提出申請,申請過程之中,審查人員曾提出相關先前技術文獻來證明該專利申請案為顯而易見,而駁回該案件。專利申請權人提出了一些主張,其中最重要的主張為該先前技術文獻沒有公開「藥物的特定使用量」,並同時修正了'829專利的申請專利範圍 (第5項) 的使用量在2000 mg (原文中提及的“in an amount of 2000 mg per dose.”)。
禁反言(estoppel),或稱申請歷史禁反言(prosecution history estoppel),是指專利權人於申請過程中或維護專利的過程中所做出的修正、更正或申復,導致申請專利範圍限縮,之後不得再次主張此部分的權利,若使專利權人可以再次主張其所放棄的部分,則將使申請專利範圍更加不確定[6]。
當事人雙方對於申請專利範圍第5項所稱之「……and said composition being of a quantity at least sufficient to provide multiple doses of said mixture of (6S) and (6R) diastereoisomers in an amount of 2000 mg per dose.」解釋為至少足量提供使用量2,000 mg的部分皆沒有異議。而地方法院認為被訴侵權人的葉酸救援產品使用量是在175 mg至250 mg間,沒有到達申請專利範圍第5項中2,000 mg的限制,且申請過程之中,專利申請人已明白地表示此特殊的使用量具有非顯而易見性。因此,地方法院認定本案適用禁反言。由於上訴時,Spectrum藥廠未能提出任何較具說服力之主張,故上訴法院維持申請專利範圍第5項有禁反言的適用。