1. A pharmaceutical composition which contains:
(a) a drug component which comprises a suitable amount of an ACE inhibitor which is susceptible to cyclization, hydrolysis, and discoloration,
(b) a suitable amount of an alkali or alkaline earth metal carbonate to inhibit cyclization and discoloration, and
(c) a suitable amount of a saccharide to inhibit hydrolysis.
16. A process for stabilizing an ACE inhibitor drug against cyclization which comprises the step of contacting the drug with:
(a) a suitable amount of an alkali or alkaline earth-metal carbonate and,
(b) one or more saccharides.
被訴侵權人為梯瓦 (Teva) 藥廠與蘭伯西 (Ranbaxy) 藥廠,因為向FDA提出了Accupril®的學名藥許可之簡易新藥上市程序,而該學名藥的組成中使用了微晶型纖維素 (microcrystalline cellulose)。輝瑞藥廠於是向美國紐澤西州 (the District of New Jersey) 地方法院提出專利侵權訴訟,主張被訴侵權人侵害了系爭專利的申請專利範圍,地方法院認為被訴侵權人侵害系爭專利,而依輝瑞藥廠之聲請頒布臨時性禁制令,蘭伯西藥廠不服判決,所以提出上訴。
在109年的專業英文中,選擇題第8題:According to the Enforcement Rules of the R.O.C. Patent Act, where the Chinese translation of technical terminology has been made by which of the following, such official translation shall prevail?
(A) The Intellectual Property Office, MOEA
(B) The Ministry of Education
(C) National Taiwan Normal University
(D) The National Academy for Educational Research