A Bar at the Folies-Bergère (Un Bar aux Folies-Bergère), 1882, Courtauld Gallery, London。
韓劇將置入性行銷推至高峰,但最早的置入性應該是始於19世紀。當Jules Verne(朱爾斯凡爾納)於1873年出版冒險小說《Around the World in Eighty Days 》(八十日環遊世界)的時候,因為作者名聲響亮,當時便有不少運輸業者及航運公司向Jules遊說,希望在故事中被提及,但這些業者是否有為此付費則不得而知。另外,法國寫實派及印象派大師Eduoard Manet (愛德華·馬奈)1882年的畫作A Bar at the Folies-Bergère (Un Bar aux Folies-Bergère)中,很明顯的可以看出來在櫃台兩端有紅色三角形的啤酒瓶是Bass啤酒 (Bass beer),至於Eduoard是為了增加作品的真實感還是收費式的置入行銷,同樣是不得而知。至於最早有跡可考的案例,應該是Jean-Marc Lehu(2007)的研究,指出Auguste和LouisLumière於1896年製作的電影是應法國Lever Brothers[2]代表的要求製作的,這些電影中都採用陽光肥皂(Sunlight soap)[3],而這可能是電影中付費置入行銷的第一個有記錄的實例[4],也是電影最早成為置入性行銷的管道案例。
Lever Brothers was a British manufacturing company founded in 1885 by brothers William Hesketh Lever (1851–1925) and James Darcy Lever (1854–1916). They invested in and successfully promoted a new soap-making process invented by chemist William Hough Watson. In 1930, Lever Brothers merged with Margarine Unie to form Unilever.
Sunlight is a brand of dishwashing detergent manufactured and marketed around the world by Unilever, except in the United States and Canada, where it became owned by Sun Products (now Henkel Corporation) since 2008.
Lehu, J-M, Branded Entertainment: Product Placement & Brand Strategy in the Entertainment Business, Kogan Page, 2007, pp 19-20